Dr Sharon Silberstein MD IBCLC
Lactation Consultant and Tongue-tie Specialist Member of Lactation Consultants of Great Britain, Member of Association of Tongue-tie Practitioners Sharon lives in London with her four children and husband. She is the longest practicing doctor with the IBCLC qualification in the U.K. – a real trailblazer! She has been helping breastfeeding families for many years and…
Dr Sarah Webb MBBS BMedSci MPH MFPH
Association of Breastfeeding Medicine Breastfeeding Peer Supporter Sarah is a mother of one, with a personal and professional interest in reducing inequalities through breastfeeding. She has an interest in maternal and child health and is leading work on improving community breastfeeding services for local families. She enjoys walking her two dogs in Dorset’s beautiful natural…
Dr Rehana Meeajan MA (Cantab) BMBS MRCGP (2017) DFSRH (2017)
General Practitioner in South West London Rehana enjoys supporting families in the community throughout their feeding journeys and beyond. She combines her work as a GP with medical education and research in medical and biosocial anthropology at University College London. She is passionate about the anthropology of breastfeeding and addressing health and social inequalities through…
Dr Rebecca Sloan MBBS BSc DTM&H
GP Trainee in South Yorkshire Rebecca was fully convinced of the benefits of breastfeeding but had little appreciation of the reality prior to having her own children. She enjoys supporting and advocating for breastfeeding in her clinical practice (some might say ‘banging on about’). She would like to expand this role further in the future.…
Dr Rebecca Clements MBBS BSc (Hons) MRCPCH
Neonatal Registrar in Liverpool Association of Breastfeeding Mothers Peer Supporter Peer Supporter with the Liverpool Breastfeeding information service (BAMBIs). Chaser of two small girls who love adventures. Pre children swore she’d never breastfeed a child who could ‘ask for it’…. passionate about getting breastfeeding journeys off to the best possible start and helping women reach…
Dr Naomi Dow BSc (Hons) MB ChB (Hons) MRCGP (2016) IBCLC
General Practitioner, Senior Clinical Lecturer at University of Aberdeen, Lactation Consultant Association of Breastfeeding Medicine Breastfeeding Peer Supporter, Lactation Consultants of Great Britain Member Naomi is a GP with a passion for improving breastfeeding knowledge in fellow health professionals. She has been supporting breastfeeding families for the last few years. She has recently started working…
Dr Michelle Horridge MBChB MPH Med MRCS (2012)
Public Health Registrar Trainee Peer Supporter with the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers Michelle is a mother to three children who carried on to feed to natural term, including periods of tandem feeding. Michelle is passionate about supporting women in returning to work while breastfeeding and the use of evidence to support breastfeeding whenever possible.
Dr Leesa Parkinson MBBS BSc (Hons) PhD FRCEM
Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Bangor, North Wales Association of Breastfeeding Medicine Breastfeeding Peer Supporter Leesa is a tandem feeder, smallholder & Lego addict. She also makes amazing pizzas.
Dr Lauren Sandler MA MBBS
Lauren is a paediatric trainee who is passionate about medical education and knitting! She has only recently started her own breastfeeding journey and education but is keen to help support breastfeeding parents and help to educate other healthcare professionals to do so as well.
Dr Katie Patel BA (hons) MBBS DRCOG
Association of Breastfeeding Mothers Peer Supporter Katie is a GP trainee with an interest in maternal and infant health. She has found that an understanding of normal baby behaviour is a great starting point in caring for parents and infants.