Category: Team

  • Dr Anna Byrne    BM BSc (Hons) MRCP (2010 UK) FRCPath (UK) FRACP (Australasia), RCPA   Affiliate Member

    Consultant Haematologist Association of Breastfeeding Medicine Foundation Supporter, Well South Peer Supporter Anna lives in New Zealand with her family, and trained as a peer supporter during her first maternity leave. Since learning more about breastfeeding and early parenthood, she is passionate about sharing that knowledge and history to help empower other women on their…

  • Dr Victoria Thomas    MBBS MRCPCH

    Consultant Paediatrician with special interest in nutrition, Newcastle  Co-Chair of the Hospital Infant Feeding Network  Professional Advisor to La Leche League GB and the Breastfeeding Network Member of the Association for Breastfeeding Mothers Trustee of First Steps Nutrition Trust Contributor to Sleep, Baby and You resources with Durham Infant Sleep Centre Member of Lullaby Trust…

  • Dr Sofia Reynolds   MBBCh IBCLC

    Specialty Doctor in Emergency Medicine at Southmead Hospital, Bristol. Lactation Consultant, Association of Breastfeeding Mothers Peer Supporter Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Member, Lactation Consultants of Great Britain Member, Association of Tongue-tie Practitioners Affiliate Member. Sofia is a mother of two daughters. She is passionate about empowering women to reach their own breastfeeding goals and about…

  • Dr Natalie Shenker BMBCh MRCS PhD

    UKRI Future Leaders Fellow at Imperial College London Cofounder and Director of the Human Milk Foundation Cofounder of the Global Alliance of Milk Banks and Associations Natalie cofounded the Hearts Milk Bank, now part of the HMF, in 2017 with the vision of creating an equitably national milk bank service in the UK. Hearts now…

  • Prof  Gabrielle Colleran    MBBCh BAO FFR RCSI IMRCS MD

    Radiology Lead National Fetal MRI Program Head of Department of Radiology, National Maternity Hospital Consultant Paediatric Radiologist at Children’s Health Ireland (CHI) at Temple Street Clinical Associate Professor, Paediatrics, Trinity College Dublin. Assistant Clinical Professor, Women & Children’s Health, School of Medicine, UCD Gabrielle is very glad Robyn asked her to join her on the…

  • Dr Robyn Powell MBChB MRCEM FRCEM

    Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Cork University Hospital Founder of Breastfeeding For Doctors,  GP Infant Feeding Network Committee,   Hospital Infant Feeding Network Steering Group, RCEM Women in Emergency Medicine Special Interest Group With her relentless ideas and an unbridled passion to change the world for the better, Robyn founded BFD in 2017 with the aim of…